Scienziati della University of Liverpool hanno scoperto un nuovo metodo potenzialmente in grado di aiutare la riparazione dei nervi nel trattamento dei danni al midollo spinale.
Differential Sulfation Remodelling of Heparan Sulfate by Extracellular 6-O-Sulfatases Regulates Fibroblast Growth Factor-Induced Boundary Formation by Glial Cells: Implications for Glial Cell Transplantation
Jennifer R. Higginson1,*,
Sophie M. Thompson2,*,
Alessandra Santos-Silva1,
Scott E. Guimond2,
Jeremy E. Turnbull2,†, and
Susan C. Barnett1,†
+ Author Affiliations
Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences, Glasgow Biomedical Research Centre, Glasgow G12 8TA, United Kingdom, and Centre for Glycobiology, Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7XB, United Kingdom
Author contributions: S.M.T., A.S.S., S.E.G., J.E.T., and S.C.B. designed research; J.R.H. and S.M.T. performed research; J.R.H., S.M.T., and S.E.G. analyzed data; J.R.H., S.M.T., S.E.G., J.E.T., and S.C.B. wrote the paper.
↵*J.R.H. and S.M.T. contributed equally to this work.
↵†J.E.T. and S.C.B. contributed equally as senior authors.
Previously, it has been shown that rat Schwann cells (SCs), but not olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs), form a boundary with astrocytes, due to a SC-specific secreted factor. Here, we identify highly sulfated heparan sulfates (HSs) and fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) 1 and 9 as possible determinants of boundary formation induced by rat SCs. Disaccharide analysis of HS in SC-conditioned and rat OEC-conditioned media showed that SCs secrete more highly sulfated HS than OECs. The dependence of the boundary-forming activity on high levels of sulfation was confirmed using a panel of semisynthetic modified heparins with variable levels of sulfation. Furthermore, extracellular HS 6-O-endosulfatase enzymes, Sulf 1 and Sulf 2, were expressed at a significantly lower level by SCs compared with OECs, and siRNA reduction of Sulfs in OECs was, in itself, sufficient to induce boundary formation. This demonstrates a key role for remodelling (reduction) of HS 6-O-sulfation by OECs, compared with SCs, to suppress boundary formation. Furthermore, specific anti-FGF1 and anti-FGF9 antibodies disrupted SC–astrocyte boundary formation, supporting a role for an HS sulfation-dependent FGF signaling mechanism via FGF receptors on astrocytes. We propose a model in which FGF1 and FGF9 signaling is differentially modulated by patterns of glial cell HS sulfation, dependent on Sulf 1 and Sulf 2 expression, to control FGF receptor 3-IIIb-mediated astrocytic responses. Moreover, these data suggest manipulation of HS sulfation after CNS injury as a potential novel approach for therapeutic intervention in CNS repair.
11-11-2012 16:06
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